Lesen Sie hier die aktuellen Marktnews
IAB Europe
- Latest AdEx Benchmark Report Details: strong Mobile Advertising Growth in 27 markets across Europe
- IAB Europe News: Transparency & Consent Framework Mobile App Spec Ready for Adoption
- Want to stay up-to-date with the latest on the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework? Sign-up to receive the dedicated newsletter
- The ‘Ad Misplacement’ MoU represents an important step for the industry, but the work begins now
- IAB Europe position paper: Position on the proposal for an ePrivacy Regulation
- Our video investigation of ePrivacy realities across Europe
- Blog: Optimising the human, re-engineering roles for the new digital ecosystem
- BVDW Whitepaper: Augmented und Virtual Reality in der Industrie: 3D Datenmanagement – Ein Showstopper
- Massnahmenpaket beschlossen: BVDW stärkt Frauen in der Digitalen Wirtschaft
- The Second Annual Podcast Revenue Study by IAB and PwC: An Analysis of the Largest Players in the Podcasting Industry
- Mary Meeker’s internet trends 2018
- Ecommerce Report 2018 von FHNW und Datatrans
- Mediafocus Marken Trend Schweiz Q1 2018
- Zenith’s Advertising Expenditure Forecasts:
Brands must reassess customer acquisition as they shift to mobile
- Verbände fordern EU-Parlamentarier zur Reform des Urheberrechts auf
- eMarketer Debuts Estimates for Ecommerce in Switzerland
- Wie Amazon und Alibaba den Werbemarkt angreifen (Quelle: Adzine)
- A Deeper Dive into Six of Mary Meeker’s 2018 Internet Trends (Quelle : Emarketer)
- Digital drives global ad growth (Quelle: Warc)
- How AB InBev is using blockchain to save up to 30% on media spend (Quelle : The Drum)
- Make Your Mobile Web Experience Faster Using These Tools (Quelle: Emarketer)
- Zürich will zum globalen Blockchain-Zentrum warden (Quelle: Netzwoche)
- Five Charts: The State of Programmatic Bidding (Quelle: Emarketer)
- 5 Regeln, die es beim Influencer Marketing zu beachten gilt (Quelle Horizont)
- How the industry is using KPIs and what needs to change (IAB Europe Member blog)