Lesen Sie hier die aktuellen Marktnews
IAB Europe
- Webinar – 15.Juni: Transparency & Consent Framework Mobile App Specs Ready For Adoption
- IAB Europe survey «What attitudes are shaping the future of programmatic advertising investment?» – Deadline 22. Juni – bitte teilnehmen an der
- Latest IAB Europe research highlights disparity between vision and reality in measurement of digital brand advertising campaigns
- Interact 2018 in Mailand verpasst? Hier sind die Highlights
- IAB Europe Blog: Blockchains and their Scalability Trade-Off
- IAB Europe Blog: Publishers are still in control of their product and business models. GDPR does not prevent take-it-or-leave-it choices for data-driven advertising-funded services.
- IAB Europe Blog: The Idea That The Transparency & Consent Framework Increases Publisher Liability Is A Red Herring
- U.S. Podcast Ad Revenues Reached Landmark $314 Million in 2017, Marking 86% Growth Year-Over-Year, According to IAB & PwC Research
- Nearly Two-Thirds of Brands Purchasing Ads Through Programmatic Means Have Fully or Partially Moved the Function In-house, According to IAB Research
- IAB Europe research: AdEx Benchmark 2017 Study
The European Digital Advertising market has doubled in size in 5 years. - IAB Europe Report: Digital Brand Advertising and Measurement 2018
- Stiftung Werbestatistik Schweiz: Werbeaufwand Schweiz 2018 (Erhebung 2017)
- Online-Währungsstudie NET-Metrix-Profile 2018-1: SBB baut digitalen Vorsprung erneut aus
- Conversational Commerce: The Rise of Voice Assistants (Ecommerce Round-up)
- DMA: Global data privacy: What the consumer really thinks
- Neues Schweizer Datenschutzgesetz kommt erst Ende 2019 (Quelle: Netzwoche)
- Will location-based marketing change in the era of GDPR? (Quelle: Mobile Marketer)
- How to Improve Your App’s Visibility, Organically (Quelle: Emarketer)
- How to Transform into a Modern Marketing Department (Quelle: Emarketer)
- eMarketer Unveils Latest Global Digital Users Figures
- Are Your Ads Being Seen? The 5 Factors of Ad Viewability (Quelle: Hubspot)
- ‘We believe in the hybrid model’: RTL is adding paid ad-free video services across Europe (Quelle: Digiday)
- Will creative agencies and consultancies merge to create ‚cagencies‚? (Quelle: Campaign)